Paddleboard shoot with 4 Corner Film Logistics & Brian H. Dierker

Great day shooting on Lake Mary with 4 Corner Film Logistics and  Brian H. Dierker "Rainey" from the film Into The Wild.

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Firefly 2014 film is underway!

After a brief halt, Firefly 2014 film is onward! The film is sitting at just over 30 minutes so far and is feeling like it's %75 complete. Screenshots of the film coming soon!

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Photos are on display at Bookmans!

The photos are up! If you're in the area, stop by and check it out! Thank you Bookmans for giving me the opportunity to display my work! The photos are categorized into two themes, an all around Arizona theme and Back to the Future themed photos. Prints are available to purchase.


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Rene Rivas Photography exhibit at MIX RESTAURANT : April 2015

Excited to announce that i've been approached by MIX RESTAURANT (Flagstaff, AZ) to have my photography on display for the month of April. Portfolios will be displayed on 2 separate walls by HD projectors, and actual prints will be available for purchase as well.

The Rene Rivas Photography exhibit will be featured for the month of April. 

The general theme for this exhibit is Arizona Landscapes (Southern, mid and Northern AZ)



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